Black History
Free Your Mind - Dr. Asa Hilliard
5 Cycles of Time /Consciousness- Stephen Mehler
How Black Egyptians Built the Pyramids
We Are Different - Dr. Llaila Afrika
Rare Color Footage Black Wall Street Filmed by Solomon Sir Jones

Rare Color Footage Black Wall Street Filmed by Solomon Sir Jones

Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary: Post Traumatic Slave Disorder

James Baldwin Debates William F. Buckley (1965)

RBG| Dr. Asa Hilliard III, Free Your Mind: Return to the Source AFRICAN ORIGINS
Blacks were not given land. The land was purchased by two black men:
O.W Gurley & J.B Stradford in the early 1900s.
Black Health
Exclusive Dr Sebi. They Did Not Want Me To Post This Video! (Uncut)

Exclusive Dr Sebi. They Did Not Want Me To Post This Video! (Uncut)

Who Are The Real Biblical Israelites?

North East Africa: The Hidden Truth - Full UnCut Documentary

Black Inventors & Patents
Black Made That (Official Music Video) - Griot B | #STEAMtheStreets

Black Made That (Official Music Video) - Griot B | #STEAMtheStreets

Black Inventors of the 20th and 21st Century

A World Without Black People SSCOC Black History

Wakanda - Does It Exist?
Black Patents
1721 - Onesimus -Small Pox Inoculation (He brought this method from Africa where advanced medical practices were in use long before Europeans had any medical knowledge)
1830 - 1879
1830 - Henry Blair- Mechanical Seed Planter
1832 - Augustus Jackson -Ice cream
March 3, 1845 - J. Hawkins- Patented the Gridiron
1846 - Norbett Rillieux- Sugar Refining System
1848 - Lewis Temple -Toggle Harpoon (Revolutionized The Whaling Industry) 1848
1850 - James Forten- Sailing Apparatus
1854 - Henry Single -Patented an Improved Fish Hook. He sold it later for $625.
May 23, 1871 - L. Bell- Locomotive smoke stack. Patent# 115,153
March 26, 1872 - Thomas J. Martin -Patented the Fire Extinguisher
July 2, 1872 - Elijah Mccoy -Automatic Lubrication System (For Railroad And Heavy Machinery)
December 1, 1874 - T. J. Byrd- Rail car coupling. Patent# 157,370
November 1875 - Alexander P. Ashbourne - Biscuit Cutter
1876- Thomas Carrington -Range Oven
1880 - 1889
1880 - Ellen Elgin- Clothes Wringer
August 30, 1881 - W.S. Campbell -Self-setting animal trap. Patent# 246,369
April 3, 1883 - H.H. Reynolds- Window Ventilator for Railroad Cars. Patent No.275,271
1883 - Jan Matzelinger -Automatic Shoe Making Machine
1884 - Granville Woods -Steam Boiler/Radiator
1884 - W. Johnson- Egg Beater
August 19, 1884 - M.C. Harney -Lantern/Lamp
September 2, 1884 - J. W. Reed -Dough Kneader and Roller. Patents# 304,552
September 2, 1884 - John Parker -"Parker Pulverizer" Follower-Screw for Tobacco Presses. Patent# 304,552
December 2, 1884 - Granville Woods- Telephone (His Telephone Was Far Superior To Alexander Graham Bell's)
1885 - L.S. Burridge And N.R. Marsham -Typewriter
1885 - Sara E. Goode -Cabinet Bed
March 3, 1886 - Robert Flemming Jr.- Guitar
1887 - Granville Woods- Multiplex Telegraph System (Allowed Messages To Be Sent And Received From Moving Trains)
February 1, 1887 - J. Robinson -Dinner Pail. Patent# 356,852
October 11, 1887 - Alexander Miles – Electric Elevator and also safety device for elevators. Patent No. 371,207
1888 - Granville Woods - Trolley Car
October 9, 1888 - O.B. Clare Rail –Rail Trestle. Patent# 390,753